Smartphone Blue Background Image


I created this image last night. It just kind of came out the way it did. I didn’t plan it.

That is how I usually create images. I just start with something and Fiddle with it until something I like comes out.


Blue Convergance

Blue Sticks
Blue Converance

I named this image blue convergance because I didn’t know what else to name the picture. I had a lot of fun making this one which is probably why I’m using it here. Most of my images are blue, or they enjoy a small amount of blue.

At any rate, I hope you like the content on this blog.  It’s super easy to add images to this WordPress blog so it wasn’t a lot of work 🙂

The text below is from the help pages.

When creating or editing a WordPress page or blog post, you can easily add images at any time using the WordPress Media Uploader tool. Here’s how to add an image, step-by-step, using the media uploader:

Step 1 – Placing your cursor
In order to add an image to your page or post, you must first insert your cursor in the place in the text where you want the image to appear. By placing your cursor within your text, you can add images inline with your content. You can also place your cursor on a blank line if you want the image to appear by itself instead.


Tip: It’s a good idea to place your cursor on the left margin of your text, even if you want the image to appear on the right. That’s because there is a special setting called Alignment that allows you to control whether the image appears on the right or the left side of the text. It even controls how text flows around the image automatically.


My Car


A car is a wheeled, self-powered motor vehicle used for transportation. Don’t laugh too hard.

That’s how it goes.  🏪

PHP Tutorial

php – necessary setup
To begin working with PHP you must first have access to either of the following:

A web hosting account that supports the use of PHP web pages and grants you access to MySQL databases. If you do not have a host, but are interested in signing up for one, we recommend that you first read our Web Host Guide to educate yourself about web hosting and avoid getting ripped off.

Have PHP and MySQL installed on your own computer. Read this lesson thorougly for more information on installing PHP.

Although MySQL is not absolutely necessary to use PHP, MySQL and PHP are wonderful complements to one another and some topics covered in this tutorial will require that you have MySQL access.

installing php

For those who are experienced enough to do this yourself, simply head over to – Downloads and download the most recent version of PHP.

However, if you are like most of us, you will most likely want to follow a guide to installing PHP onto your computer. These guides are kindly provided by based on the operating system that you are using.

PHP – Windows – Windows Installation Guide
PHP – Mac – Mac Installation Guide
PHP – Linux – Linux Installation Guide
installing mysql
As we mentioned before, MySQL is not a requirement to use PHP, however they often go hand in hand.

Visit MySQL’s MySQL Installation Guide for help on installing MySQL.

php installation troubles
If you have any installation troubles you should visit Tizag’s popular PHP forum and ask for help

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